Frukost serveras på Tidaholms Stadshotell 6-11 juli, kl 06:00-09:00
Lunch serveras på Tidaholms Stadshotell 6-11 juli, 11:00-15:00
Har man inte möjlighet att äta på plats kan man hämta ut matlådor de dagar det passar bättre.
Middag serveras på Tidaholms Stadshotell 5-10 juli, 17:30-20:00
Ni beställer matbiljetter i samband med anmälan på anmälningsblanketten
Breakfast is served at Tidaholms Stadshotell 6th-11th July, 06.00-09-00.
Lunch is served at Tidaholms Stadshotell 6th-11th July, 11 am - 3.00 pm.
If you don't have the possibility to have lunch at the hotel, you can pick up lunch boxes if that is more convenient for you on specific days.
Dinner is served at Tidaholms Stadshotell 5th-11th July, 5.30 pm - 8.00 pm.
You order food tickets when you do the registration of riders, on the registration form.